I think I need a new RAW developer. Any suggestions? Should I just upgrade Photoshop?
After looking at SameTime 7:15 (sametime715.com) for a year, I decided that it was time to start shooting again. So, in the spirit of this project, I'll be taking a photo at 8:04 every day for the next year.
I'm not sure what you shoot or what you're currently using. Lightroom is a popular choice and I know my Nikon came with some software that I do'nt use but will likely work.
I'm currently using some freeware called Raw Photo Processor, and shooting with the Leica D-Lux. It's a point ans hoot, but it's pretty good if you don't shoot over 200ISo. I guess I could just use the software that came with the camera, but it doesn't seem very fun.
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